Experiencing Real-Life Journalism While Having Fun
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I am interning with The Rebel Walk which is a magazine and website that covers Ole Miss athletics. I am lucky to have met such a nice and supportive supervisor, Evelyn Van Pelt, the owner and publisher of The Rebel Walk, on Twitter a few months ago. After exchanging messages, she offered me a position as a writer for her site, and later we worked out an internship opportunity.
I am covering the Ole Miss baseball team as the sole baseball writer and reporter for The Rebel Walk. I am responsible for covering all of the baseball games this upcoming season which means I go to almost every game and write a game recap story that will be published on the website. On top of that, I have to interview players and coaches after the game and get quotes that will be used in my story. During the game, I am responsible for The Rebel Walk’s social media, which entails posting updates on the game. I also go to select practices and media opportunities in which players and/or coaches are available.
This internship has been and will continue to be very good experience doing real-life journalism and reporting. I am learning how to properly cover sporting events, how to become a better interviewer and how to ask better questions. I am gaining experience working in the sports reporting field.
My advice to students who are preparing to intern somewhere: Have fun and don’t take the experience for granted. For me, I love sports and going to sporting events. My internship allows me to have fun doing things that I would consider a hobby such as going to baseball games while learning how to be a better journalist and reporter at the same time.
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